10 Interesting Things You Didn’t Know about Nepal

Nestled in Southern Asia, Nepal is a popular tourist destination, blessed with snowy mountaintops, gently bellowing yaks, fluttering prayer flags. However, this is only an image drawn by someone who hasn’t visited the country but read about it in texts. One who has explored every gem and pearl hidden in the beast of Nepal will have something different to say. The new mental image will procure shimmering lakes in the mountaintops, dense and humming jungles, bathing rhinoceros, chanting monks, and evergreen fluttering prayer flags. It turns out whatever is known to the first-timers about this country, isn’t exactly wrong but a very small portion of what this heavenly abode has to offer.

Given below are the top 10 intriguing things about Nepal that nobody must have told you about.

It is more than just Mt. Everest.

Everyone will indeed resemble the name, Nepal, with the magnificence of Mt. Everest. But that isn’t the only thing you see in this hamlet. To name some, base camps, Annapurna, and the rest of the Himalayas. Visit Pokhara, a lakeside adventure town and a gateway to the Annapurna, for things more than just trekking.

It has the deepest Gorge.

Kali Gandaki Gorge is the deepest gorge on earth and is dwelling in the Nepalese Himalayas. You will pass right by it while trekking the Annapurna circuit, so why don’t you make a halt and embrace the pristine beauty of the world’s deepest gorge.

It is mostly mountains.

Nepal consists of majestic and giant mountains, those full of stunning treks such as Mohare Danda trek. Although the steeply standing tall mountains will captivate your attention the most, don’t let them prevent you from adoring the enthralling valleys of Pokhara and Kathmandu.

It has a wide range of wild animals.

Wildlife in Nepal means the great Chitwan National Park, housing tons of adorable and cuddly wild beasts. Some of the favorite wildlife residents of this nation are Bengal Tigers, Snow Leopard, Red Pandas, One-Horned Rhinos, Sloth Bears, Marbled Cat, Elephants, and Peacocks.

Elephants are historical.

Elephants in this nation are revered as a historical and cultural symbol. They have also been brought into domestic use for years, including for farming, navigation, and warfighting (long years ago). They are also used to navigate through the jungles of Chitwan National Park as the safest mode. Being a resident of Hindu country, they are also significant in spiritual beliefs and practices.

It is mostly for vegetarians.

It isn’t like you will not find meat to eat here, but it will not taste like the succulent meat you must have tasted elsewhere in the world. So, you better go vegetarian while traveling in this country and explore an array of veg-cuisine that we bet you hadn’t had before.

Momos have a cult following.

Nepal and Momos go hand in hand, so next time you go there, don’t forget to eat this beloved staple. It must not be mistaken as a meal, these dumpling-like delicacies are more like snacks to food junkies.

It is the birthplace of Lord Buddha.

Lord Buddha, formally known as Siddhartha, was born in Lumbini back in 650 BC. Because the Lord evoked the spiritual enlightenment in everyone he met in his life and even after, Lumbini is revered as a pilgrimage site.

It has prayer flags everywhere.

The canvas of Nepal is mostly covered by tattered and different colored prayer flags with each color having an individual significance. The more tattered they are, the better because it indicates that prayers sent out in the wind, are being answered.

It boasts joy and dancing.

Culture for Nepal is like water for humans, you can breathe a few days but will not survive for too long without it. Dancing is a deeply-rooted, ancient, and traditional ritual that you will see everywhere. The joy and music are so infectious that you will not even realize when you began to smile and laugh with people around you.